O nas

Iz Ukrajine v Slovenijo – strokovnjaki za popravilo in obnovo motorjev

Podjetje DVTrade, prvotno ustanovljeno v Černigovu v Ukrajini, ima več kot 20 let izkušenj na področju profesionalnega popravila motorjev in mehanske obdelave. Kljub zahtevnim izzivom preselitve zaradi vojne smo svoje neprekosljivo strokovno znanje prenesli v Slovenijo, kjer nadaljujemo tradicijo odličnosti pri natančnih popravilih motorjev.

Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju vrhunskih storitev popravila in obnove motorjev. Združujemo najsodobnejšo tehnologijo z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami naših strokovnjakov. Natančnost in zanesljivost sta temelj našega dela, kar zagotavlja dolgo življenjsko dobo in vrhunsko delovanje vašega motorja.

About us

From Ukraine to Slovenia – Experts in Engine Repair and Restoration

Originally founded in Chernihiv, Ukraine, DVTrade has over 20 years of experience in professional engine repair and mechanical processing. Despite the challenges of relocating due to the war, we have brought our unmatched expertise to Slovenia, continuing our legacy of excellence in precision engine repairs.

We are committed to delivering top-quality engine repair and restoration services, combining advanced technology with the expertise of our specialists. Precision and reliability are at the core of our work, ensuring your engine’s durability and performance.

About us

From Ukraine to Slovenia – Experts in Engine Repair and Restoration

Originally founded in Chernihiv, Ukraine, DVTrade has over 20 years of experience in professional engine repair and mechanical processing. Despite the challenges of relocating due to the war, we have brought our unmatched expertise to Slovenia, continuing our legacy of excellence in precision engine repairs.

We are committed to delivering top-quality engine repair and restoration services, combining advanced technology with the expertise of our specialists. Precision and reliability are at the core of our work, ensuring your engine’s durability and performance.

About us

From Ukraine to Slovenia – Experts in Engine Repair and Restoration

Originally founded in Chernihiv, Ukraine, DVTrade has over 20 years of experience in professional engine repair and mechanical processing. Despite the challenges of relocating due to the war, we have brought our unmatched expertise to Slovenia, continuing our legacy of excellence in precision engine repairs.

We are committed to delivering top-quality engine repair and restoration services, combining advanced technology with the expertise of our specialists. Precision and reliability are at the core of our work, ensuring your engine’s durability and performance.

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Tradicija &


Pri DVTrade naša ljubezen do motorjev presega sodobna vozila. Smo pravi navdušenci nad starodobnimi in klasičnimi avtomobili, obnavljanje njihovih motorjev pa ni zgolj delo – je naša strast in ponos. Že desetletja nam zbiratelji in ljubitelji starodobnih vozil iz cele Ukrajine zaupajo svoja najbolj dragocena vozila. Obnova teh motorjev ni le popravilo; gre za ohranjanje dediščine brezčasne obrtniške spretnosti in vračanje življenja delom avtomobilske zgodovine. Vsak starodoben motor, na katerem delamo, je obravnavan z največjo skrbnostjo in natančnostjo, kar zagotavlja ne le brezhibno delovanje, temveč tudi ohranjanje njegove avtentičnosti. Za nas je vsaka obnova poklon umetnosti preteklosti in zaveza ohranjanju zgodovine za prihodnje generacije.

Tradition &


At DVTrade, our love for engines extends far beyond modern vehicles. We are true enthusiasts of vintage and classic cars, and restoring their engines is not just a job — it’s our passion and pride. For decades, collectors and vintage car enthusiasts from all over Ukraine entrusted us with their most cherished vehicles. Restoring these engines is more than repair work; it’s about preserving the legacy of timeless craftsmanship and breathing life back into pieces of automotive history. Every vintage engine we work on is treated with the utmost care and precision, ensuring not only flawless performance but also maintaining its authenticity. For us, each restoration is a tribute to the artistry of the past and a commitment to keeping history alive for future generations.

Tradition &


At DVTrade, our love for engines extends far beyond modern vehicles. We are true enthusiasts of vintage and classic cars, and restoring their engines is not just a job — it’s our passion and pride. For decades, collectors and vintage car enthusiasts from all over Ukraine entrusted us with their most cherished vehicles. Restoring these engines is more than repair work; it’s about preserving the legacy of timeless craftsmanship and breathing life back into pieces of automotive history. Every vintage engine we work on is treated with the utmost care and precision, ensuring not only flawless performance but also maintaining its authenticity. For us, each restoration is a tribute to the artistry of the past and a commitment to keeping history alive for future generations.